Horrified Customer Finds 'Strange Creature' In Can Of Tuna (Photos)


A woman was shocked to find a small, mysterious creature staring back at her when she opened a can of tuna.

Zoe Butler, 28, said when she first opened the can of Princes tuna, she noticed what she thought was some sort of intestine. Upon further examination, however, Butler noticed that it had a “spiny tail” and what appeared to be eyes staring back at her.

“I opened the top of the lid and saw a purply thing, a gut sack or intestine – then I turned it round and pushed it with a fork and saw it looking back at me,” Butler told the Nottingham Post. “I dropped the fork, jumped back, screamed a bit and shouted for my nan to come and have a look."

Butler’s grandmother confirmed that her granddaughter’s discovery did seem to be a once-living creature. “It's a little red and has eyes, bright black, looking at you,” Susan Goddard said. “We did manage to ascertain that it was dead."

After finding the strange being in her tuna, Butler saved it in the can and put it aside until she received a response from Princes. Dr. Hany Elsheikha, an associate professor of parasitology at the University of Nottingham said he believed the creature to be some sort of crab. “All I can see from the picture is a body and the eyes are very prominent,” he said. “The legs have been chopped off during the process."

Butler, who sent photos of her discovery to Princes, said she simply wants to make sure nobody else has a similar incident. “I just want to find out what it is and to make sure it doesn't happen to somebody else. I didn't set out to get compensation and I don't a want lifetime's supply of tuna!"

A spokesman for Princes told the Post that an investigation will take place when they receive the can from Butler.

“We were contacted by Mrs Butler and immediately responded to apologise [sic],” the spokesman said. “We are arranging for her to send us the product so that we can look into this matter fully."

Sources: The BlazeNottingham Post / Photo Credit: Twitter via theblaze.com


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A woman was shocked to find a small, mysterious creature staring back at her when she opened a can of tuna.

Zoe Butler, 28, said when she first opened the can of Princes tuna, she noticed what she thought was some sort of intestine. Upon further examination, however, Butler noticed that it had a “spiny tail” and what appeared to be eyes staring back at her.

“I opened the top of the lid and saw a purply thing, a gut sack or intestine – then I turned it round and pushed it with a fork and saw it looking back at me,” Butler told the Nottingham Post. “I dropped the fork, jumped back, screamed a bit and shouted for my nan to come and have a look."

Butler’s grandmother confirmed that her granddaughter’s discovery did seem to be a once-living creature. “It's a little red and has eyes, bright black, looking at you,” Susan Goddard said. “We did manage to ascertain that it was dead."

After finding the strange being in her tuna, Butler saved it in the can and put it aside until she received a response from Princes. Dr. Hany Elsheikha, an associate professor of parasitology at the University of Nottingham said he believed the creature to be some sort of crab. “All I can see from the picture is a body and the eyes are very prominent,” he said. “The legs have been chopped off during the process."

Butler, who sent photos of her discovery to Princes, said she simply wants to make sure nobody else has a similar incident. “I just want to find out what it is and to make sure it doesn't happen to somebody else. I didn't set out to get compensation and I don't a want lifetime's supply of tuna!"

A spokesman for Princes told the Post that an investigation will take place when they receive the can from Butler.

“We were contacted by Mrs Butler and immediately responded to apologise [sic],” the spokesman said. “We are arranging for her to send us the product so that we can look into this matter fully."

Sources: The BlazeNottingham Post / Photo Credit: Twitter via theblaze.com

Horrified Customer Finds 'Strange Creature' In Can Of Tuna (Photos)

A woman was shocked to find a small, mysterious creature staring back at her when she opened a can of tuna.

Zoe Butler, 28, said when she first opened the can of Princes tuna, she noticed what she thought was some sort of intestine. Upon further examination, however, Butler noticed that it had a “spiny tail” and what appeared to be eyes staring back at her.

“I opened the top of the lid and saw a purply thing, a gut sack or intestine – then I turned it round and pushed it with a fork and saw it looking back at me,” Butler told the Nottingham Post. “I dropped the fork, jumped back, screamed a bit and shouted for my nan to come and have a look."

Butler’s grandmother confirmed that her granddaughter’s discovery did seem to be a once-living creature. “It's a little red and has eyes, bright black, looking at you,” Susan Goddard said. “We did manage to ascertain that it was dead."

After finding the strange being in her tuna, Butler saved it in the can and put it aside until she received a response from Princes. Dr. Hany Elsheikha, an associate professor of parasitology at the University of Nottingham said he believed the creature to be some sort of crab. “All I can see from the picture is a body and the eyes are very prominent,” he said. “The legs have been chopped off during the process."

Butler, who sent photos of her discovery to Princes, said she simply wants to make sure nobody else has a similar incident. “I just want to find out what it is and to make sure it doesn't happen to somebody else. I didn't set out to get compensation and I don't a want lifetime's supply of tuna!"

A spokesman for Princes told the Post that an investigation will take place when they receive the can from Butler.

“We were contacted by Mrs Butler and immediately responded to apologise [sic],” the spokesman said. “We are arranging for her to send us the product so that we can look into this matter fully."

Sources: The BlazeNottingham Post / Photo Credit: Twitter via theblaze.com