Mother Demands Answers After Boy Finds Unwanted Surprise In McDonald's Milkshake


A couple is demanding answers after McDonald’s refused to tell them what was in a milkshake that caused their young son’s tongue to burn.

In 2013, Jon Hansen, his partner, Jennifer Cameron, and their four children went to a McDonald’s drive thru to order food. When they received their order, Hansen immediately noticed the fries looked as if they had been “stomped on,” and as soon as their young son, Pierce, took a sip of his milkshake, he immediately knew something was wrong.

He explained on the petition:

When I attempted to place my order there was a great deal of laughter and talk going on with the McDonald’s staff, making it difficult to place my order. In fact I had to repeat my order three times. Jennifer, who although being English can speak French, heard them make fun of my ordering in English and speaking in French said to them, we can hear what you are saying. The McDonald’s staff went silent.

I then ordered 1 large milkshake, 2 small milkshakes, 2 ice creams and an order of fries.

We drove up to the first window to pay, and then after waiting approximately 5 to 8 minutes proceeded to collect our order from the second window. Upon opening the bag, we discovered that the fries were old and cold and asked for a replacement — which we received. The ice cream was also somewhat melted. 

Before we had left the restaurant's parking lot our 5-year-old son, after drinking his shake, said that it tasted funny. While the other two shakes tasted fine, when I took a sip of his shake it tasted what I described as being Pine Sol. Almost immediately, my tongue started to burn.

Jennifer also took a sip and experienced the same bad taste, making the comment that she thought it was some form of cleaner.

Jon quickly went into the restaurant and informed the manager that there was something in his son’s milkshake that caused his tongue to burn, but the manager claimed she didn’t know what it was and refused to taste it for herself. Eventually, Cameron went into the store and asked for a new milkshake, which tasted fine and confirmed that there wasn’t an issue with the milkshake machine. Suddenly, Cameron spotted a bottle of clear blue liquid next to the milkshake machine and asked the manager about it. The manager didn’t immediately respond, and soon after, Hansen and Cameron rushed their son to a hospital.

While at the hospital, the couple called poison control as their young son started to experience physical symptoms. Today, the couple says the boy has lasting effects from ingesting the unknown substance.

Ultimately, after fighting with McDonald’s corporate offices to investigate the incident, the company determined that a “small amount of store-related compound” was in the milkshake, but McDonald's has so far refused to say what it was and the family feels the company has been uncooperative. Now, the parents, who believe the milkshake was purposefully tainted, are taking to the Internet to demand that McDonald’s release the name of the substance found in the drink.

Hansen discusses the current status:

McDonald’s has finally admitted that there was a ‘small amount of store-related compound in the milkshake.’ He (being McDonald's lawyer) indicated that he did not know what had been put in the shake as he says that he has not seen the report. He used the word 'trace,' 'minimal' to describe the amount which had been added. He maintained the position that McDonald’s would not release or allow us to read an internal document (the report). He indicated that now that an admission had been made that we should now be ready to negotiate especially as the amount was small. 

Once again, McDonald's just doesn't seem to get it. We want to know what our young child ingested. Please help us to get the test results. There is no reason why a responsible corporation that professes to care about families should have withheld this information from us for close to one year.

So far, Hansen’s petition has garnered around 22,000 signatures.

Sources:, Blog Talk Radio, Metro News

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A couple is demanding answers after McDonald’s refused to tell them what was in a milkshake that caused their young son’s tongue to burn.

In 2013, Jon Hansen, his partner, Jennifer Cameron, and their four children went to a McDonald’s drive thru to order food. When they received their order, Hansen immediately noticed the fries looked as if they had been “stomped on,” and as soon as their young son, Pierce, took a sip of his milkshake, he immediately knew something was wrong.

He explained on the petition:

When I attempted to place my order there was a great deal of laughter and talk going on with the McDonald’s staff, making it difficult to place my order. In fact I had to repeat my order three times. Jennifer, who although being English can speak French, heard them make fun of my ordering in English and speaking in French said to them, we can hear what you are saying. The McDonald’s staff went silent.

I then ordered 1 large milkshake, 2 small milkshakes, 2 ice creams and an order of fries.

We drove up to the first window to pay, and then after waiting approximately 5 to 8 minutes proceeded to collect our order from the second window. Upon opening the bag, we discovered that the fries were old and cold and asked for a replacement — which we received. The ice cream was also somewhat melted. 

Before we had left the restaurant's parking lot our 5-year-old son, after drinking his shake, said that it tasted funny. While the other two shakes tasted fine, when I took a sip of his shake it tasted what I described as being Pine Sol. Almost immediately, my tongue started to burn.

Jennifer also took a sip and experienced the same bad taste, making the comment that she thought it was some form of cleaner.

Jon quickly went into the restaurant and informed the manager that there was something in his son’s milkshake that caused his tongue to burn, but the manager claimed she didn’t know what it was and refused to taste it for herself. Eventually, Cameron went into the store and asked for a new milkshake, which tasted fine and confirmed that there wasn’t an issue with the milkshake machine. Suddenly, Cameron spotted a bottle of clear blue liquid next to the milkshake machine and asked the manager about it. The manager didn’t immediately respond, and soon after, Hansen and Cameron rushed their son to a hospital.

While at the hospital, the couple called poison control as their young son started to experience physical symptoms. Today, the couple says the boy has lasting effects from ingesting the unknown substance.

Ultimately, after fighting with McDonald’s corporate offices to investigate the incident, the company determined that a “small amount of store-related compound” was in the milkshake, but McDonald's has so far refused to say what it was and the family feels the company has been uncooperative. Now, the parents, who believe the milkshake was purposefully tainted, are taking to the Internet to demand that McDonald’s release the name of the substance found in the drink.

Hansen discusses the current status:

McDonald’s has finally admitted that there was a ‘small amount of store-related compound in the milkshake.’ He (being McDonald's lawyer) indicated that he did not know what had been put in the shake as he says that he has not seen the report. He used the word 'trace,' 'minimal' to describe the amount which had been added. He maintained the position that McDonald’s would not release or allow us to read an internal document (the report). He indicated that now that an admission had been made that we should now be ready to negotiate especially as the amount was small. 

Once again, McDonald's just doesn't seem to get it. We want to know what our young child ingested. Please help us to get the test results. There is no reason why a responsible corporation that professes to care about families should have withheld this information from us for close to one year.

So far, Hansen’s petition has garnered around 22,000 signatures.

Sources:, Blog Talk Radio, Metro News

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Mother Demands Answers After Boy Finds Unwanted Surprise In McDonald's Milkshake

A couple is demanding answers after McDonald’s refused to tell them what was in a milkshake that caused their young son’s tongue to burn.

In 2013, Jon Hansen, his partner, Jennifer Cameron, and their four children went to a McDonald’s drive thru to order food. When they received their order, Hansen immediately noticed the fries looked as if they had been “stomped on,” and as soon as their young son, Pierce, took a sip of his milkshake, he immediately knew something was wrong.

He explained on the petition:

When I attempted to place my order there was a great deal of laughter and talk going on with the McDonald’s staff, making it difficult to place my order. In fact I had to repeat my order three times. Jennifer, who although being English can speak French, heard them make fun of my ordering in English and speaking in French said to them, we can hear what you are saying. The McDonald’s staff went silent.

I then ordered 1 large milkshake, 2 small milkshakes, 2 ice creams and an order of fries.

We drove up to the first window to pay, and then after waiting approximately 5 to 8 minutes proceeded to collect our order from the second window. Upon opening the bag, we discovered that the fries were old and cold and asked for a replacement — which we received. The ice cream was also somewhat melted. 

Before we had left the restaurant's parking lot our 5-year-old son, after drinking his shake, said that it tasted funny. While the other two shakes tasted fine, when I took a sip of his shake it tasted what I described as being Pine Sol. Almost immediately, my tongue started to burn.

Jennifer also took a sip and experienced the same bad taste, making the comment that she thought it was some form of cleaner.

Jon quickly went into the restaurant and informed the manager that there was something in his son’s milkshake that caused his tongue to burn, but the manager claimed she didn’t know what it was and refused to taste it for herself. Eventually, Cameron went into the store and asked for a new milkshake, which tasted fine and confirmed that there wasn’t an issue with the milkshake machine. Suddenly, Cameron spotted a bottle of clear blue liquid next to the milkshake machine and asked the manager about it. The manager didn’t immediately respond, and soon after, Hansen and Cameron rushed their son to a hospital.

While at the hospital, the couple called poison control as their young son started to experience physical symptoms. Today, the couple says the boy has lasting effects from ingesting the unknown substance.

Ultimately, after fighting with McDonald’s corporate offices to investigate the incident, the company determined that a “small amount of store-related compound” was in the milkshake, but McDonald's has so far refused to say what it was and the family feels the company has been uncooperative. Now, the parents, who believe the milkshake was purposefully tainted, are taking to the Internet to demand that McDonald’s release the name of the substance found in the drink.

Hansen discusses the current status:

McDonald’s has finally admitted that there was a ‘small amount of store-related compound in the milkshake.’ He (being McDonald's lawyer) indicated that he did not know what had been put in the shake as he says that he has not seen the report. He used the word 'trace,' 'minimal' to describe the amount which had been added. He maintained the position that McDonald’s would not release or allow us to read an internal document (the report). He indicated that now that an admission had been made that we should now be ready to negotiate especially as the amount was small. 

Once again, McDonald's just doesn't seem to get it. We want to know what our young child ingested. Please help us to get the test results. There is no reason why a responsible corporation that professes to care about families should have withheld this information from us for close to one year.

So far, Hansen’s petition has garnered around 22,000 signatures.

Sources:, Blog Talk Radio, Metro News

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