New Hampshire Woman Finds Unexpected Surprise In Her Burger King Meal


A New Hampshire woman's trip to Burger King took a surprising turn this week.  

According to Foster’s, Janelle Jones went to her local Burger King on Friday and ordered a junior spicy chicken sandwich and a sweet tea. She picked up her order in the drive-thru window, paid for it and proceeded home.

On her way home, Jones decided to open up her order and snack a bit. That is when she saw it. Instead of her sandwich, Burger King had stuffed $2,631 into her bag.

Jones immediately stopped and called her husband – telling him exactly what had occurred. Together they decided to return the cash.

As it turns out, the $2,631 was a bank deposit that had mistakenly been given away.

Matthew Jones, Janelle’s husband, admitted that the couple briefly considered keeping the cash, but ultimately says they’re happy with their decision to return it.

“It felt a lot better than keeping it,” he added.

For their honesty, Burger King is rewarding the Jones family with five free meals.

Source: Foster’s / Photo Credit: WikiCommons


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A New Hampshire woman's trip to Burger King took a surprising turn this week.  

According to Foster’s, Janelle Jones went to her local Burger King on Friday and ordered a junior spicy chicken sandwich and a sweet tea. She picked up her order in the drive-thru window, paid for it and proceeded home.

On her way home, Jones decided to open up her order and snack a bit. That is when she saw it. Instead of her sandwich, Burger King had stuffed $2,631 into her bag.

Jones immediately stopped and called her husband – telling him exactly what had occurred. Together they decided to return the cash.

As it turns out, the $2,631 was a bank deposit that had mistakenly been given away.

Matthew Jones, Janelle’s husband, admitted that the couple briefly considered keeping the cash, but ultimately says they’re happy with their decision to return it.

“It felt a lot better than keeping it,” he added.

For their honesty, Burger King is rewarding the Jones family with five free meals.

Source: Foster’s / Photo Credit: WikiCommons

New Hampshire Woman Finds Unexpected Surprise In Her Burger King Meal

A New Hampshire woman's trip to Burger King took a surprising turn this week.  

According to Foster’s, Janelle Jones went to her local Burger King on Friday and ordered a junior spicy chicken sandwich and a sweet tea. She picked up her order in the drive-thru window, paid for it and proceeded home.

On her way home, Jones decided to open up her order and snack a bit. That is when she saw it. Instead of her sandwich, Burger King had stuffed $2,631 into her bag.

Jones immediately stopped and called her husband – telling him exactly what had occurred. Together they decided to return the cash.

As it turns out, the $2,631 was a bank deposit that had mistakenly been given away.

Matthew Jones, Janelle’s husband, admitted that the couple briefly considered keeping the cash, but ultimately says they’re happy with their decision to return it.

“It felt a lot better than keeping it,” he added.

For their honesty, Burger King is rewarding the Jones family with five free meals.

Source: Foster’s / Photo Credit: WikiCommons