Restaurant Charges Women 79 Cents On The Dollar On Equal Pay Day


A New Hampshire restaurant has come up with a unique way to observe Equal Pay Day on April 12.

In order to commemorate the fact that women still make only 79 cents on the dollar compared to men, every second Tuesday in April since 1996 has been declared Equal Pay Day. As such, The Works, a New Hampshire restaurant and bakery mini-chain has decided to only charge women 79 percent of their total bill on April 12, while men still have to pay full price, reports NHPR.

"It’s been a problem that’s been around for a really long time, decades I would say," Don Brueggemann, manager of The Works in Concord told NHPR. "And I think many of us thought it would kind of work itself out but it has been very persistent over the years. We’re feeling like this is a way to highlight that issue."

Brueggemann isn’t expecting the bakery to lose much money for the day, but he’s not really worried about that.

"In terms of highlighting the issue, I think it’s a relatively inexpensive way to do that. It’s kind of a clever way, I think," he said. "It brings it right to the fore in a way just the statistic does not."

There has been some debate over what the exact number of the wage gap is – the most widely cited figure is 77 cents on the dollar, although the Washington Post argues that it is closer to 79 cents or maybe even more. Few deny its existence, however.

"It’s certainly a figure where you can come to a slightly different percentage, but I don’t think anyone has argued that there is parity between men and women," Brueggemann said.

The New Hampshire restaurant goes to great lengths to make sure that its men and women workers receive equal pay for equal work, its owner pointed out.

"Absolutely we do," he said. "I would be willing to show people that it is what we do."


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A New Hampshire restaurant has come up with a unique way to observe Equal Pay Day on April 12.

In order to commemorate the fact that women still make only 79 cents on the dollar compared to men, every second Tuesday in April since 1996 has been declared Equal Pay Day. As such, The Works, a New Hampshire restaurant and bakery mini-chain has decided to only charge women 79 percent of their total bill on April 12, while men still have to pay full price, reports NHPR.

"It’s been a problem that’s been around for a really long time, decades I would say," Don Brueggemann, manager of The Works in Concord told NHPR. "And I think many of us thought it would kind of work itself out but it has been very persistent over the years. We’re feeling like this is a way to highlight that issue."

Brueggemann isn’t expecting the bakery to lose much money for the day, but he’s not really worried about that.

"In terms of highlighting the issue, I think it’s a relatively inexpensive way to do that. It’s kind of a clever way, I think," he said. "It brings it right to the fore in a way just the statistic does not."

There has been some debate over what the exact number of the wage gap is – the most widely cited figure is 77 cents on the dollar, although the Washington Post argues that it is closer to 79 cents or maybe even more. Few deny its existence, however.

"It’s certainly a figure where you can come to a slightly different percentage, but I don’t think anyone has argued that there is parity between men and women," Brueggemann said.

The New Hampshire restaurant goes to great lengths to make sure that its men and women workers receive equal pay for equal work, its owner pointed out.

"Absolutely we do," he said. "I would be willing to show people that it is what we do."

Restaurant Charges Women 79 Cents On The Dollar On Equal Pay Day

A New Hampshire restaurant has come up with a unique way to observe Equal Pay Day on April 12.

In order to commemorate the fact that women still make only 79 cents on the dollar compared to men, every second Tuesday in April since 1996 has been declared Equal Pay Day. As such, The Works, a New Hampshire restaurant and bakery mini-chain has decided to only charge women 79 percent of their total bill on April 12, while men still have to pay full price, reports NHPR.

"It’s been a problem that’s been around for a really long time, decades I would say," Don Brueggemann, manager of The Works in Concord told NHPR. "And I think many of us thought it would kind of work itself out but it has been very persistent over the years. We’re feeling like this is a way to highlight that issue."

Brueggemann isn’t expecting the bakery to lose much money for the day, but he’s not really worried about that.

"In terms of highlighting the issue, I think it’s a relatively inexpensive way to do that. It’s kind of a clever way, I think," he said. "It brings it right to the fore in a way just the statistic does not."

There has been some debate over what the exact number of the wage gap is – the most widely cited figure is 77 cents on the dollar, although the Washington Post argues that it is closer to 79 cents or maybe even more. Few deny its existence, however.

"It’s certainly a figure where you can come to a slightly different percentage, but I don’t think anyone has argued that there is parity between men and women," Brueggemann said.

The New Hampshire restaurant goes to great lengths to make sure that its men and women workers receive equal pay for equal work, its owner pointed out.

"Absolutely we do," he said. "I would be willing to show people that it is what we do."