Teen Surprised by McDonald's Employee's Response When She Tries To Buy Homeless Person Food


When a teenager tried to buy food at a McDonald’s to feed a homeless man, staff members allegedly told her they could not sell her the food due to their policy.

Charlotte Farrow, 19, found out about the restaurant’s alleged “do not serve homeless people” policy after she tried to buy breakfast for an elderly homeless man at a McDonald's on Oxford Road in Manchester on May 14.

“We queued up and the homeless guy tried to get some money out before I told him I was paying,” Farrow told Manchester Evening News. “Then the supervisor said, ‘we don’t serve homeless people.' He said the business manager told them they weren’t allowed to serve homeless people. They said it was a new policy.”

Farrow — a former McDonald’s worker herself — is currently without a home and living with her boyfriend.

“It was his attitude towards the guy — we were both customers so there shouldn’t be any difference,” she said. “I think it’s absolutely awful and completely immoral. We’re all human beings. I wouldn’t expect to be treated like that. If they’re refusing to serve homeless people, it’s extremely judgmental.”

The two were eventually given a meal from the restaurant.

A spokesman from McDonald’s claimed the two were not refused meals, and that CCTV footage shows both her and man being served.

“Both the customer and the gentleman she was buying food for were served,” the spokesman said. “It is not a McDonald’s policy to refuse to serve homeless people and all staff have been reminded of this.”

Source: MirrorManchester Evening News

Photo Credit: Google Maps via Manchester Evening News


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When a teenager tried to buy food at a McDonald’s to feed a homeless man, staff members allegedly told her they could not sell her the food due to their policy.

Charlotte Farrow, 19, found out about the restaurant’s alleged “do not serve homeless people” policy after she tried to buy breakfast for an elderly homeless man at a McDonald's on Oxford Road in Manchester on May 14.

“We queued up and the homeless guy tried to get some money out before I told him I was paying,” Farrow told Manchester Evening News. “Then the supervisor said, ‘we don’t serve homeless people.' He said the business manager told them they weren’t allowed to serve homeless people. They said it was a new policy.”

Farrow — a former McDonald’s worker herself — is currently without a home and living with her boyfriend.

“It was his attitude towards the guy — we were both customers so there shouldn’t be any difference,” she said. “I think it’s absolutely awful and completely immoral. We’re all human beings. I wouldn’t expect to be treated like that. If they’re refusing to serve homeless people, it’s extremely judgmental.”

The two were eventually given a meal from the restaurant.

A spokesman from McDonald’s claimed the two were not refused meals, and that CCTV footage shows both her and man being served.

“Both the customer and the gentleman she was buying food for were served,” the spokesman said. “It is not a McDonald’s policy to refuse to serve homeless people and all staff have been reminded of this.”

Source: MirrorManchester Evening News

Photo Credit: Google Maps via Manchester Evening News

Teen Surprised by McDonald's Employee's Response When She Tries To Buy Homeless Person Food

When a teenager tried to buy food at a McDonald’s to feed a homeless man, staff members allegedly told her they could not sell her the food due to their policy.

Charlotte Farrow, 19, found out about the restaurant’s alleged “do not serve homeless people” policy after she tried to buy breakfast for an elderly homeless man at a McDonald's on Oxford Road in Manchester on May 14.

“We queued up and the homeless guy tried to get some money out before I told him I was paying,” Farrow told Manchester Evening News. “Then the supervisor said, ‘we don’t serve homeless people.' He said the business manager told them they weren’t allowed to serve homeless people. They said it was a new policy.”

Farrow — a former McDonald’s worker herself — is currently without a home and living with her boyfriend.

“It was his attitude towards the guy — we were both customers so there shouldn’t be any difference,” she said. “I think it’s absolutely awful and completely immoral. We’re all human beings. I wouldn’t expect to be treated like that. If they’re refusing to serve homeless people, it’s extremely judgmental.”

The two were eventually given a meal from the restaurant.

A spokesman from McDonald’s claimed the two were not refused meals, and that CCTV footage shows both her and man being served.

“Both the customer and the gentleman she was buying food for were served,” the spokesman said. “It is not a McDonald’s policy to refuse to serve homeless people and all staff have been reminded of this.”

Source: MirrorManchester Evening News

Photo Credit: Google Maps via Manchester Evening News